Keywords: model, business model, digitalization, digital transformation, digital era, digital technologies


This article is devoted to the research of foreign experience in the formation and implementation of business models for the development of enterprises in the era of digital transformation, and in the conditions of the use of digital technologies in almost all business processes. It is the research and generalization of best world experience that leads the authors to formulate recommendations for domestic entrepreneurs for the effective formation of modern business models for the development of Ukrainian enterprises, a painless transition to the use of digital technologies, taking into account the key aspects of the current state and prospects for the development of the domestic economy and society. The authors single out key business models that are used by foreign enterprises and are effective, highlight their advantages and disadvantages and the possibility of their adaptation to enterprises of other countries. Drawing conclusions from the experience of other countries, it is important to adapt this knowledge to Ukrainian realities and take into account the peculiarities of the local market. This will allow Ukrainian firms to effectively use the potential of digitalization and strengthen their competitiveness on the international arena. Therefore, in the digital age, business conditions are constantly changing, requiring companies to adapt to new technologies and management models. Studies of various business models, which are successfully used both abroad and in Ukraine, show the importance of flexibility and readiness for innovation. Ukrainian companies should study and adapt foreign experience, but taking into account local conditions and market features. Cooperation with foreign partners can be a valuable source of sharing knowledge and resources, but developing one's own competitive advantages remains a key success factor. Understanding digital business models, such as Freemium, Subscription, Ad-supported, Ecosystem and Platform, allows companies in Ukraine to choose the optimal strategy for achieving competitiveness and sustainable development in the digital economy. Taking into account the specifics of the Ukrainian market and using unique opportunities will allow companies to successfully integrate into the global economy and achieve stable growth.


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How to Cite
Shostak, L., Bilo, I., & Ulyanytsky , A. (2024). BUSINESS MODELS OF ENTERPRISES IN THE DIGITAL ERA: FOREIGN EXPERIENCE. Economy and Society, (60).