The economy of Ukraine is impossible without the existence and development of the financial market, which affects every component of the domestic economy, determining the main features and peculiarities of each of its sectors. The financial market affects every aspect of the national economy, forming the key features and characteristics of various industries, and also acts as a connecting element between available sources of free financial resources and entities that need these resources and feel their scarcity. Effective functioning of each segment leads to optimal functioning of the entire financial sector, which in turn is an important component of any economy. The war started by Russia, the financial crisis caused by the pandemic, sharp fluctuations in currency rates, the decline of the economy cause the deterioration of the state of the domestic financial market. Therefore, it is relevant to study the peculiarities of the functioning of the financial market of Ukraine in modern conditions. The article examines the peculiarities of the functioning of the financial market of Ukraine during the war, highlights the main problems and measures to solve them. An analysis of the dynamics of changes in the number of financial market participants and its most active players (banks, insurance companies, and stock exchanges) was conducted, as they are the main suppliers of the country's financial resources. The war has a negative impact and contains many risks for the development of the financial market of Ukraine, however, despite the military aggression, the regulators manage to achieve positive results in the implementation of the Financial Sector Development Strategy. The regulator needs to conduct a balanced policy to balance and ensure a healthy market and preserve honest financial market players. It is worth taking into account the main problems that are currently relevant for the financial market of Ukraine and taking the necessary measures to minimize them. Therefore, it is precisely the appropriate actions of the state that can become the push in the direction of the development of the domestic financial market, taking into account the war in Ukraine and modern trends in the world.
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