Keywords: Investments, investment attractiveness, agricultural enterprises, investment climate


The article examines the economic essence of investments, examines the approaches of scientists regarding the essence of the category of investment attractiveness. The transition to an innovative model of development of the agrarian sector of the economy directly depends on investments - their volume, structure and directions of application. In the conditions of economic globalization, investments play the role of a foundation for ensuring the high competitiveness of Ukrainian commodity producers, they are an important prerequisite for the successful integration of Ukraine into the world economic space, the achievement of a high standard of living of the population and food security of the state. The purpose of the article is to study the essence of the category "investment attractiveness" and to determine the main factors that directly affect it. In the research process, scientific methods were used: the method of scientific knowledge, systematic generalization, monographic (when studying the views of scientists on this category), analysis and synthesis (to find out the reasons that cause changes in the amount of capital). investments), abstract and logical (when conducting theoretical and methodological generalizations). As a result of the conducted research, the specificity of this category in the agricultural sector of the economy of Ukraine was revealed. The main factors that directly affect investment attractiveness are considered, in order to determine ways to increase it. The author assessed the impact of internal factors on the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises and substantiated the need to take into account external factors, which is promising for further research. It has been proven that to ensure effective investment development, it is necessary to strictly follow the mechanism of its formation. It was determined that threats and risks have a significant impact on investment development, which necessitates their constant monitoring in order to help minimize them. It is justified that the investment attractiveness of the enterprise should be considered comprehensively, taking into account the interests of all participants in the investment process.


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