The study analyzed the state of household food supply and determined a significant decrease in the consumption of basic food products. It was determined that Ukrainian farms show great potential for the development of organic farming. In particular, waste from crop and animal husbandry can be used locally in local small-scale bioenergy projects or as fertilizers by processing it into digestate. A model for the distribution of electronic coupons through the national application "Action" has been developed, which will include the formation of a family income certificate based on the existing interface of the application and the submission of a corresponding request through the interface to the "Services" section. Electronic coupons for grocery sets can be used in the national retail networks of the "food" Bank partners and social canteens for food products, taking into account rational consumption norms. The strategic directions of the formation of the food supply system of the population of Ukraine were formed, which include: development of the concept of food security within the framework of European integration processes, which corresponded to the EU strategy "From farm to table"; creation of the "Food" Bank, through the operation of which food kits were distributed for low-income citizens through the Diya application, food kits for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age were distributed, and social canteens were operating; creation of favorable conditions for the development of small processing enterprises on the basis of farms for the processing of agricultural products, for food and biofuel, thanks to the holding of educational trainings on the basis of the association of agricultural advisory services during initial trainings, etc. It was established that the introduction of the mechanism of domestic food aid through the "Food" Bank will be an incentive for the development of the agro-industrial sector of the state, will contribute to the establishment of an institution for ensuring social access of citizens to food resources, which will simultaneously contribute to the long-term development of the domestic agro-industrial sector and ensure an increase in the volume of production of domestically produced food products.
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