Keywords: leadership style, directive style, democratic style, liberal style, leader


In modern conditions, the process of optimizing an organization’s activities is becoming an important area of research. A well-chosen leadership style allows you to most effectively use the potential of the organization's employees. It is for this reason that companies have recently paid more attention to this problem. Thus, the issues of choosing the optimal leadership style within the framework of this problem require special attention, since they allow optimizing the activities of the manager and, consequently, the organization as a whole. The purpose of this article is to analyze the management style and qualities of managers and describe a set of attributes of a leader that allow effective management of personnel and organizations in modern conditions. The article is dedicated to the review and analysis of varieties of management styles and leadership qualities. The importance of studying changes in the system of relationships “manager - subordinate” is substantiated, taking into account the current state. The article examines the influence of a manager on personnel in an enterprise management system. The role of using leadership style in ensuring the effective functioning of the organization is analyzed. Approaches to defining the concept of “leadership style” are presented. It is noted that management style is an evolutionary phenomenon. It is emphasized that the ability to apply a certain style in a specific situation and in a team is always assessed by the degree of achievement of set goals and formulated strategies. The main management styles are analyzed: directive management style; democratic management style; liberal management style. A comparative description of these traditional management styles is made. In the activities of an effective leader, in each of the possible cases, there is one of the listed leadership styles. Elements for ensuring effective leadership are indicated. The actions of an effective leader at any level are based on the following basic management practices: formulation of the task according to SMART criteria; ability to give feedback to employees; provide mentoring; evaluate the results of actions and efforts of employees. It is concluded that the optimality of a particular leadership style is determined by the current situation.


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Soroka, O., & Gulakova, V. (2023). FORMING AN EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT STYLE IN A MODERN ORGANIZATION. Economy and Society, (57).