The article highlights the results of research aimed at the study of existing approaches to setting and solving the task of evaluating and analyzing the effectiveness of the work of a commercial bank, as well as the development of recommendations regarding the formation of a complex of interrelated economic and mathematical models for solving this problem. The expediency of developing new and adapting existing approaches to the formalization of the task of evaluating the activities of a commercial bank in conditions of growing security risks is substantiated. It has been proven that, despite some positive developments both in terms of regulatory and legal regulation of relevant processes, and in the development of numerous scientific and methodological approaches to solving the given task, there are prospects for further improvement of this line of work. Adapted to the realities and peculiarities of legal regulation, as well as the specifics of the work of commercial banks, the existing approaches to setting and solving the problems of assessing and analyzing the level of economic security of territorial systems of the region, assessing the potential of commodity markets and conducting a marketing audit. The proposed approach, taking into account the specifics of banking, is based on the application of the possibilities of cluster analysis and multidimensional comparison of objects. The weighted Euclidean distance was chosen as the measure of similarity, which serves as the basis for dividing a set of objects into clusters. The proposed approach to evaluating the work of a commercial bank involves: measuring the actual level of management efficiency in the relevant areas of the commercial bank's work, followed by the determination of the economic security levels of the commercial bank in each separate reporting period and the grouping of the areas of the commercial bank's work according to the level of economic (banking) security. Attention is focused on the need for a wider application of the possibilities of economic and mathematical modeling in the process of forming a base of assessment models and analysis of commercial bank performance indicators. The proposed modification of the existing methodology allows qualitatively new evaluation and detection of the dynamics of the performance indicators of a commercial bank, as well as comparing the current performance indicators with the so-called ideal values, average values of the corresponding indicators for the available sample, as well as NBU standards.
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