Keywords: trade, electronic trade, Internet technologies, logistics, logistics system, logistics processes, Internet logistics, business processes


Нis article is devoted to the role of electronic commerce and Internet technologies in various areas of functional logistics. The development of e-commerce is a consequence of the digital transformation of society, it involves the use of highly intelligent Internet technologies, enables consumers to quickly satisfy their own services and fulfill requests. In logistics processes, e-commerce occupies a prominent place in the purchase of raw materials, materials or components, in the distribution of products (it speeds up informing consumers about the availability of goods or their delivery time), in the formation of orders in warehouses (provides complete information about the available quantity of products, etc. It is worth noting that global development Internet business will give a quick boost and for domestic Internet business markets, but it is worth it correctly use foreign experience with taking into account the peculiarities of the national economy, the political and economic situation in the country. The use of Internet technologies in the logistics system is primarily relevant in transport logistics when drawing up transport routes taking into account changes in infrastructure or direction of movement. The development of Internet technologies and electronic commerce corrects approaches to the work of almost the entire logistics system, especially those elements responsible for working with customers, and also expands the possibilities of the logistics business. The authors indicate that the integration of electronic commerce and Internet technologies into the logistics system will contribute to the acceleration of all business processes of the logistics system. The Internet is considered to be the most attractive business environment today, as it is characterized by a fairly low entry threshold for new ones market participants, but offers a wide range directions of work. An important advantage is that you can carry out your activities from any points of the world in the presence of clear training of all work processes. It is most expedient to use the Internet as a business resource for entrepreneurs in the field of trade, supply, sales, etc.


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How to Cite
Shostak, L., Mylko, I., & Pavlova, S. (2023). ELECTRONIC TRADE AND INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES IN LOGISTICS. Economy and Society, (55). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-55-97