The topicality of the tactical management mechanism study is determined by the need to understand its nature and features in order to improve the efficiency of enterprise management. Managing an enterprise in modern conditions requires a quick response to changing market conditions and competitive pressures, which forces managers to use tactical techniques and tools. In the article, the authors distinguish and define the features that characterize the development of tactical management mechanisms in the activities of e-business entities, namely: the use of analytical tools to collect and analyze data about the market, consumers, competitors and the company's own activities; application of e-marketing and sales methods to increase the volume of sales, increase the conversion rate and attract new customers; the use of customer relationship management tools, which allows you to retain and attract new customers, increase customer loyalty and satisfaction, and ensure repeat sales; using production and logistics management tools to ensure efficient goods delivery, inventory management and customer satisfaction; development and use of adaptive mechanisms that allow enterprises to be ready for changes in market conditions and respond promptly to them. On the basis of the singled out features, it is proved that the mechanisms of tactical management in e-business have a complex economic and managerial nature, which is connected with the multi-vector nature of the connections of these mechanisms with the internal and external environments of e-business entities, the permanent variability of the market situation and the growing competition. The use of analytical tools, e-marketing and sales, customer relationship management, production and logistics management, as well as social networks and other communication channels allows enterprises to more effectively plan and implement their strategies in an e-business environment. It is substantiated that the development and application of adaptive mechanisms enables e-business entities to be ready for changes and respond promptly to them.
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