Modern direction of the global economy development is e-commerce, which today is very actively developing and penetrates into all spheres and branches of life. E-commerce is at the stage of intensive growth, and this trend will continue for the next decade. Purpose of the article is substantiation of the essence of the “e-commerce” concept, highlighting features and models of e-commerce. Within the framework of this article, scientific approaches were revealed and key characteristics of e-commerce for such approaches as: organizational, procedural, functional, communication and time-spatial, which made it possible to form the author’s definition of this category, namely: e-commerce – is a component of e-business, which is a cooperation between the enterprise and all counterparties using e-commerce tools based on the use of information technologies to optimize the costs and improve economic efficiency of the business. In addition, levels of the e-commerce functioning were revealed, namely: first level – Internet-commerce; second level – e-commerce and third level – e-business. The main participants of e-commerce are highlighted – these are enterprises and companies (Business – B), consumer (Consumer – C), government (Government – G). Directions of e-commerce as a result of the interaction of all participants in the electronic market are given, models or forms of the e-commerce implementation are highlighted, the main of which are: business-business (B2B), business-consumer (В2С), business-government (В2G), consumer-business (С2В), consumer-consumer (С2С), consumer-government (С2G), government-business (G2B), government-consumer (G2C), government-government (G2G), a brief description of each e-commerce implementation model is provided. In the course of the study, it was found out that the most popular and frequently occupied models of such types of В2В and В2С, reasons of popularity are the simplifications of operations and greater business efficiency. After the study, a number of features that are inherent in the e-commerce were identified – this is convenience, integrity, security, coordination and availability of specialized equipment and software that will allow reliable access to Internet.
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