Keywords: diversification, financial stability, strategic guidelines, adaptability, management, anti-crisis strategy, post-war crisis


The paper provided proposals for the possible diversification of high-tech production during the post-war crisis. The article substantiates the possibility of using the largest number of fixed assets when diversifying production during downtime of the main type of production. It is proposed to carry out diversification taking into account and using all possible fixed assets of the enterprise to ensure the coverage of demand in a larger number of markets. The work analyzes the possibilities of simultaneous production of high-tech products and non-labor-intensive products of wide demand at machine-building enterprises in Ukraine. The technology of production of goods in wide demand and the possibility of realizing the production of these goods at machine-building enterprises were investigated. The work considers the diversification of production capacities on the example of the high-tech enterprises "Motor Sich", "Antonov" and enterprises producing industrial boilers for heating, the already existing experience of diversification of production in enterprises is given: "Motor Sich" – production of agricultural equipment, gas turbine power plants, medical equipment; "Antonov" – production at the aviation enterprise of duralumin trolleybuses of the "Kyiv" series, namely "Kyiv 12.03" and others. Enterprises "Motor Sich" and "Antonov" are chosen for research and illustration because they are a practical example of the effectiveness of the diversification strategy during a crisis in high-tech highly specialized enterprises of the aviation industry with a labor-intensive production process. The past experience of these enterprises can become a convenient basis for developing new strategies or, after analysis, modernization and actualization, can be applied again. Actualization of existing experience is possible only after stabilization of the economic and political situation in Ukraine. The purpose of this article, the theoretical justification and the development of proposals for increasing the efficiency of diversification of production in the conditions of the post-war crisis for high-tech, labor-intensive industries - has been fulfilled.


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How to Cite
Khrapach, V., & Piletska, S. (2023). DIVERSIFICATION AS A METHOD OF INCREASING THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD. Economy and Society, (48). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-48-23