In modern conditions, commercial banks of Ukraine can actively use marketing tools to strengthen existing and obtain new competitive advantages. It was established that within the marketing product policy, it can be the width and depth of the product range, brand recognition, product quality indicators, and service quality; within the price policy - the level of product tariffs, interest rates, and the flexibility of marketing pricing. The tools of its sales policy can also strengthen the competitive advantages of a banking institution in the market, in particular, the width of the sales network, the use of modern direct marketing tools, the level of qualification of employees who come into contact with customers and their professional qualities, the opening hours of bank branches, their design and equipment. Within the scope of marketing communications, we are talking about the bank's use of various sales promotion methods, loyalty programs, the level of advertising activity, the use of publicity and sponsorship tools in multiple directions (today, sponsorship in the social and military spheres is especially relevant), the use of personal selling and other direct marketing tools (online communications). Banking institutions today must offer not only financial products but also non-financial ones, such as mobile applications, which will be able to create personalized financial plans for customers, taking into account the importance of their individual needs. Ensuring the proper quality of banking products is especially important in the conditions of the active development of the fintech industry. The latter produces financial innovations using advanced technologies. Strengthening the competitive position of a commercial bank involves introducing new products on the market and implementing innovations in other components of its marketing activities, particularly in the system of sales and promotion of its products. Today, the advantages of neobanking are further strengthened, which requires banks to make innovative decisions using modern technologies. Omnichannel marketing communications of commercial banks involve the integration of both offline and online communication channels using such tools as Shoppable posts, interactive e-mail newsletters, etc.
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