Keywords: remote work, team management, virtual teams, virtual team interaction, indicators of effective virtual teamwork


In recent years, many companies in Ukraine have had to adapt to virtual working space due to the Covid-19 coronavirus crisis and russia's military aggression, which means a transition to an entirely new form of team management. To overcome today's challenges, companies have changed working models and adopted "remote work" to avoid any negative impact. With an uncertain future ahead, virtual working conditions may last for some time, perhaps many years. Managing a team is a difficult task even in a regular office, and it can be even more difficult in a virtual one. Post-pandemic, many teams remain virtual — the benefits of remote work have saved time and money for both employees and employers. The virtual workplace is gaining more and more popularity. More and more people want to work from home, and employers recognize the great benefits of hiring remote workers. But the benefits of virtual collaboration come with challenges that organizations must overcome. The purpose of the article is to study the indicators for the efficient work of virtual teams, the main problems of their activity, and the development of advisory measures for managers of virtual teams to solve the identified needs for improving virtual team management. The disquisition offers an understanding of the modern virtual business environment state; highlights the challenges of team management; systematizes indicators of efficient work of virtual teams; identifies primary needs for improving the management of virtual teams. The article develops and provides the following key outcomes: the recommendations for solving the problem of setting and evaluating the achievement of goals, contextualizing work, organizing regular reviews and checks of KPIs and productivity by managers, developing work regulations with obstacles in the activity of a virtual team, stimulating the collective decision-making, recognizing the merits of the teams and creating team spirit, involving team members in the decision-making process, planning the development of team members, stimulating the team leadership and constructive team interaction, using modern digital technologies to increase the effectiveness of virtual teams management.


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How to Cite
Varis, I., Kravchuk, O., & Kyrianova, O. (2023). OPTIMIZATION DIRECTIONS OF VIRTUAL TEAM MANAGEMENT IN THE MODERN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT . Economy and Society, (48). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-48-4