Keywords: logistics, , environment, logistics processes,


Increasing the social responsibility of business structures determines the relevance of studying the directions of logistics transformation. The article examines the goals, tasks and principles of "green" logistics, factors contributing to the formation of the concept of general responsibility during logistics operations and the conditions for its implementation. Today's realities confirm the significant results of the implementation of logistics technologies and strategies in the activities of Ukrainian entrepreneurs, state institutions, commercial and non-commercial organizations. Today, the innovative paradigm of logistics technologies is moving to a new level of organizational and management functionality, introducing logistics solutions, mechanisms, technologies, strategies characterized by a high level of concern for environmental protection. Today, business is trying to follow trends that allow to preserve the environment, in particular, transport companies, transport manufacturers and other enterprises are drawing up their environmental plans. A significant proportion of customers and providers of logistics services choose rail for global transportation. It was determined that the possibility of achieving the quantitative and qualitative goals of logistics activity is ensured by the synthesis of economic, social and ecological components that form the contour of "green logistics", the unity of the interaction of these components provides resource-saving technologies. Logistics activity still has an impact on various components of the environment: it pollutes the atmospheric air and water environment, destroys the ozone layer, etc. The influence exerted by various types of transport is determined and examples of the effective implementation of "green" technologies are given, the incentives for state participation that can initiate the development of "green" technologies are characterized, the importance of state support in the process of implementing environmentally friendly standards is substantiated, the foundations of the implementation of innovative methods and approaches are revealed to the management of logistic transport-distribution and industrial-economic operations.


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How to Cite
Salo, Y. (2023). "GREEN" LOGISTICS IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. Economy and Society, (47). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-47-58