
Modern challenges and threats of the external environment actualize the need to strategize the economic directions of development of enterprises, taking into account the sectoral specifics of the functioning and development of enterprises. Strategizing processes should be carried out according to the best practices that are known and repeatedly tested by the world business community. Accordingly, the study actualizes and determines the need for further theoretical, methodological and practical research on the development of the restaurant business in the context of a service economy and instability of the external environment. The problematic aspects that hinder the balanced development of restaurant business systems are highlighted. The goal is set, scientific, methodological approaches and a number of modern research methods are defined to solve the scientific and applied problem. The necessary source (information) base of research, which is relevant and adequate for a qualitative modern approach to analyzing the problem, is generalized. The modern special principles of restaurant business development are specified, which are recommended to be taken into account when formalizing the economic strategy of enterprises. It is found that economic strategizing is not only a function or system, but first of all a procedure of actions, a set of economic decisions regarding the activities of a particular enterprise. The expediency of applying a combined approach to the consideration of strategy as a position and as a process is substantiated, since the basis for the formation of economic strategy, first of all, is strategic analysis and forecasts of enterprise development. Coordination of the decision on the choice of economic strategy is carried out as a result of the analysis of a number of alternative solutions, taking into account the trade-off between the requirements of profitability, security of sales, liquidity and acceptability of the level of risk. Rationality in combination of these factors can ensure the economic sustainability of the organization. Individual functional strategies of the organization are interrelated, but only the economic strategy is most closely related to other strategies. It will not be an exaggeration to say that it plays the most important role in combining the individual elements of the overall strategy of the hospitality enterprise.


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How to Cite
Batchenko, L., Honchar, L., & Hul, Y. (2022). FEATURES OF ECONOMIC STRATEGY OF ENTERPRISES IN THE HOSPITALITY FIELD. Economy and Society, (45). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-45-86