Keywords: HR-management, IT technologies, innovative IT technologies, personnel, personnel management


The article is devoted to the use of information technologies for HR management, because scientific and technological progress dictates its conditions. Personnel management belongs to the field of management in which almost all functions can be "digitized". Internet technologies, artificial intelligence, big data analysis processing technologies, and specialized software come to the aid of HR service employees. The study showed that the efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise largely depend on how effectively it organizes work with personnel, starting from the moment of its selection and ending with development. Today, there is a huge number of both traditional and innovative HR management technologies, the correct combination and use of which can significantly increase the effectiveness of the company's activities. The article presents the classification of information technologies in the field of HR management. It emphasized that the choice of innovative technologies depends on many factors, the main of which are the size of the enterprise, its financial condition, general level of development, specificity and purpose of functioning. As practice shows, organizations that pay due attention to advanced HR technologies are always ahead of those who ignore the innovative component of HR management, and additional costs for their implementation bring substantial income. It noted that a justified choice of innovative HR management technologies, their constant updating and development would ensure the company gains strategic competitive advantages, which guarantees its long-term success and high competitiveness. Personnel management cannot imagined in isolation from the use of information technologies, as they allow automate processes in any organization a large extent. The technologies in the field of HR discussed in the article, aimed at reducing the impact of the human factor, allow increasing the quality, productivity, competence and dedication of each individual employee. Thanks to their advantages, they help to increase the productivity of employees and simplify the work of HR specialists.


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How to Cite
Mohylna, L., Oriekhova, A., & Khromushyna, L. (2022). USE OF INNOVATIVE IT TECHNOLOGIES FOR HR-MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (44).

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