Keywords: management, human resources policy, personnel management, enterprise, business entity


The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical basis of business entity’s personnel policy. Personnel policy is an important element of the entity’s management system. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical foundations of business entity’s personnel policy and its formation in order to create a basis for development and increase the policy’s effectiveness on the effectiveness of enterprise’s economic activity. Emphasis is placed on the urgency of the issue, the relationship of such categories as «personnel policy» and other components of the personnel management system. It is noted that personnel policy is interrelated with other components of the management system, as it determines the principles and norms that take place during the operation of the enterprise management system. The essence of the term «personnel policy» is analyzed, approaches to the interpretation of the category are given. It is noted that personnel policy is a set of principles and norms for personnel management in the narrow sense of the term. Emphasis is placed on the need for detailing, clarification of the personnel management policy’s structure, which will contribute to greater efficiency, as it takes into account the specifics of a personnel management particular process. The structure of enterprise’s personnel policy, which includes policy of candidates search and selection for the position; candidates selection and recruitment policy; employee adaptation policy; employee training and development policy; career growth policy; motivation policy (remuneration policy and social policy); labor relations policy; occupational safety policy is formed. It is noted that each individual company develops its own personnel policy taking into account the requirements it must meet and the factors that must be taken into account when creating it. The need to form an effective personnel policy through the use of modern methods and techniques is emphasized. It is proposed to form a personnel policy using a project approach due to the possibility of taking into account various factors, thus ensuring its effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Zanora, V., Zachosova, N., & Pokovba, D. (2022). HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY MANAGEMENT OF THE BUSINESS ENTITY: THEORETICAL BASIS. Economy and Society, (38).