Keywords: staff turnover, trade enterprises, reasons for staff turnover, staff acceptance, staff dismissal


The article examines the problem of constant outflow of personnel in the retail sector. It is the retail sector that has historically, for many years, had a reputation as a leader in this indicator throughout the world. The costs of searching, hiring new employees and their subsequent professional development are very significant, and too rapid loss of personnel leads to significant financial costs. Constant employee turnover wreaks havoc on organizations in the form of wasted time, money and reputational damage. To reduce financial costs and improve the company's reputation, it is necessary to establish the right approach to personnel search, as well as provide complete and truthful information about the position for which candidates are applying. Providing training opportunities for employees and taking into account the prospects for their personal and professional growth, as well as establishing adequate wages, motivating them with financial bonuses and additional payments, all this will allow the company to manage staff turnover. Taking into account factors that are directly related to a possible increase in staff turnover, as well as the implementation of measures to reduce the high level of staff turnover contribute to the efficiency of enterprise management. This will reduce financial and time costs, improve personnel management and personnel performance at the enterprise. Among the problems and unresolved aspects of staff turnover, the need to implement monitoring and research into the causes of staff turnover in a modern enterprise and the possibilities of influence on them by management to regulate the level of staff turnover is important. The purpose of this article is to identify the causes and key factors of high staff turnover in retail enterprises. The article presents an analysis of the causes and motivations of personnel outflow and its consequences. The main findings are that the key factors influencing turnover in trade enterprises are wages, work environment, management practices and styles, safety, stress, career opportunities, work schedules and working conditions.


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How to Cite
Soroka , O., & Shynkevych , I. (2023). MAIN MOTIVES OF PERSONNEL TURNOVER IN MODERN UKRAINIAN RETAIL COMPANIES. Economy and Society, (56).