Keywords: automation technologies, self-service ticket offices, employee training programs, restaurants, digital menus


The article is devoted to the principles of successful development and functioning of restaurant enterprises in modern conditions through the use of effective modern systems of automation of restaurant equipment. Automation increases reliability, saves money and increases efficiency. In summary, the pros and cons of an automated restaurant, business owners are replacing manual processes with automated ones to increase profits, improve the brand, save money and reduce workload. Self-service checkouts, employee training programs and digital menus are examples of automation in the restaurant business. Automated solutions reduce connectivity, are difficult to use, may not always solve complex problems, and require in-depth research with capital. Scientific and technological progress, which has been around for almost two and a half centuries, is primarily based on reducing the share of expensive human labor through the use of mechanized, automatic, electronic approaches in management systems of all parts of the product, product and service life cycle. The process of automation of production involves the gradual replacement of human labor based on the definition of routine operations that are repeated during the overall production operation and lead to an increase in the number of errors caused by the «human factor». The beginning of automation processes is based on the need to implement, first of all, means and methods of control at each stage of the production cycle, so there is a need to automate control operations. The concept of «automatic control» has been developed both at the level of academic disciplines and as an applied technology to respond to certain signals, symbols, data to activate circuits and feedback mechanisms to adapt external and internal variables by adjusting them. In many cases, these devices work without human intervention, they can find the necessary solutions, working on the basis of certain algorithms. The current state of development of restaurant enterprises is highlighted. The characteristic of features of modern systems of automation of the equipment of the enterprises of restaurant economy is resulted. The urgency of creating and developing current areas of equipment automation for restaurants at the national level based on international experience is considered and the need for their application in practice as a multi-element system that has a positive impact on the restaurant business.


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How to Cite
Yazina, V., Vishnikina, O., & Pohrebniak, A. (2021). MODERN SYSTEMS OF AUTOMATION OF EQUIPMENT OF ESTABLISHMENTS OF RESTAURANT ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (33).