Keywords: competitiveness, competition, intra-industry competition, nter-industry competition, competitive force, competitive position


The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and methodological aspects of competition and competitiveness of the enterprise as the most important categories of the economic mechanism of a market economy. The economic essence of competition and competitiveness is generalized on the basis of analysis and systematization of views of domestic and foreign scientists. Competitiveness of the enterprise is considered as a complex multifaceted concept that involves the struggle to achieve the best results, gain competitive advantage through the efficient use of all available resources, manufacture and sale of competitive products and profit from efficient business activities. The study of the economic essence of the competitiveness of enterprises shows that its increase in crisis management is a complex but important process. To ensure a sufficient level of competitiveness, domestic enterprises need, above all, significant financial resources, as well as logical and consistent management decisions by management. The grouping of forms of competition between enterprises on the basis of industry and territory, the number of entities in the market and the degree of their competitive strength, the methods of competition. The analysis and generalization of the basic concepts of competition are carried out, the basic conceptual approaches to definition of essence of competition are defined. A set of measures aimed at strengthening the competitive position of the enterprise is proposed. It is determined that in order to ensure the competitive level of the enterprise it is necessary to conduct as an assessment of competitiveness, which involves identifying the strengths and weaknesses of its activities, hidden opportunities and potential threats. This makes it possible to effectively plan and direct the activities of the enterprise based on its competitive advantages.


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How to Cite
Buryachenko, O., Tkachuk, L., & Koval, N. (2021). COMPETITIVENESS AS A DETERMINING INDICATOR OF EFFICIENCY OF ENTERPRISE ACTIVITY. Economy and Society, (32).