As far as society's needs in electronic ways of connection are rising due to the pandemic and distant work, necessity in communication, conducting social life, etc, the accelerating interest in social media takes place. According to that, it has become an important part of modern life and the time that users spend on the Internet is rising exponentially the need for research of the rules of social networks appeared. The purpose of this article is to analyze the algorithms and limitations of social networks in order to understand the degree of their social responsibility. Nowadays is extremely important is the belonging of the created and specified algorithms, and restrictions of social networks to the norms of social responsibility, which can be described as the level of security and literacy of the population as a whole and proves the relevance of the article. As part of the study, such theoretical methods as analysis, synthesis of the information obtained, generalization, explanation, and classification were used. During the study, a significant number of illogical and discriminative restrictions that contradict the concept of social responsibility has been found. The restrictions of the Instagram and Facebook, conformably the first social network belongs to the Meta (previously Facebook) corporation as far as second, were deeply researched, so exploration of the other social networks limits may be the object of the interest for another study as far as the ways of contradiction to those constraints or possible ways for improvement. The authors have examined the restrictions and the way they work and described the blatant carelessness in automated moderation that lets users circumvent the limitations. In addition to that, the discriminative constraints were examined suchlike rules that provoke both subconscious and conscious discrimination by gender, nation, race, orientation. Likewise, the ways of social networks to stay socially responsible were researched and both positive and negative aspects were analyzed. The practical value of the work is referred to the possibility of using the work to improve the existing ways of social networks.
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