The article highlights the problems of using environmental taxation in Ukraine and a possible way to solve them by studying the experience of EU countries on this issue. The topic of ecologically oriented economy is new for Ukraine and so far our own experience in this issue is not enough to form a clear environmental policy. It is important to get a positive environmental result and avoid losses to the economy. As a rule, the European Union is an ecologically progressive region. If we add to this the fact that Ukraine has clearly chosen a focus on the international arena, interaction with the EU, geographical proximity and existing trade and economic relations with the EU, issues of building a "green" economy it is appropriate to focus on the European experience. Therefore, the articles explore the socio-economic problems of financing measures to establish a "green" economy in the world and Ukraine. Possible ways to solve them are proposed, taking into account the current state of development of the country's economy. Perspectives and problems of introduction of changes concerning ecological taxation in Ukraine are analyzed. It is proposed to create extra-budgetary funds of different levels to determine significant parts of the revenue from the environmental tax from the structure of the State budget. A proposal was made on the proportions of the distribution of revenues from environmental taxation between budgets of different levels and extra-budgetary funds. The option of expanding the sources of replenishment of the above funds in accordance with the practice of the European Union in defining the concept of environmental tax is considered. The possibility of involving the banking sector in financial measures for the modernization of production facilities and the introduction of energy-saving technologies was considered.
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