Keywords: business, entrepreneurship, social business, taxation


The article is devoted to the problems and peculiarities of the formation of domestic social business. The authors focus on the fact that social entrepreneurship is able to solve not only economic but also significant social problems of society. In the context of the study, the possibilities for the development of domestic social business were identified and the probable consequences were outlined. Based on the generalization of theoretical material, the authors identified the main forms of social entrepreneurship. Analytical information indicates an increase in the number of social enterprises in Ukraine, but there are some problems that have been identified by the authors. Focusing on the formation and development of social entrepreneurship was outlined effective ways to develop this area of the economy in modern economic conditions. Statistical information confirms the fact that this type of business is developing rapidly and is gaining momentum not only in our country but also abroad. Social business in Ukraine is a relatively young activity with rapid development dynamics. High and abrupt rates of development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are caused by the reaction of society to the crisis in the social, economic and political spheres. Under such conditions, the state demonstrates limited opportunities against the background of an unlimited number of unresolved social problems. In recent years, highly developed countries have significantly intensified the innovation process, which is becoming faster and more ambitious. Innovative orientation of economic activity provides enterprises with a competitive advantage, strengthens their market position and, thus, contributes to the economic recovery of countries that support the development of innovative entrepreneurship in their countries. Low levels of material security, mass unemployment, a high share of vulnerable groups - all this is the impetus for finding alternative sources of funding for the social sphere. One of the innovative tools to address these issues can be the activities of social enterprises.


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How to Cite
Slobodianiuk, O., & Shostak, L. (2021). CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF DOMESTIC SOCIAL BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (31).