Keywords: migration, external migration, labor migration, consequences of labor migration, directions of regulation


The article examines the current problems of external labor migration, highlights the specifics of migration, negative and positive trends in this process. An analysis of the number of external labor migrants abroad is carried out. The list of countries where Ukrainians go to work has been determined. The level of the minimum wage in different countries of the world is analyzed, the level of wages in Ukraine and other countries is compared, and its influence on the intensity of migration processes is outlined. The main motives of emigration of Ukrainians are singled out, the consequences of labor migration are established. The analysis identified current problems in the field of migration: the prevalence of illegal labor migration; lack of legal basis and mechanism for realization of labor rights of illegal migrants and imperfection of the mechanism for protection of legal migrants; intensification of negative socio-economic and demographic consequences, which consist in the loss of labor and human potential, in the growth of social tension in families, due to the structure of migration flows; imperfection of information support of migration policy. Based on the analysis, proposals for the regulation of external labor migration in Ukraine have been developed, recommendations for solving the existing problems of labor migration, and improving the sphere of institutional and legal support have been proposed. The severity and ambiguity of the problems that characterize the scale and direction of migration processes in Ukraine, give reason to talk about the need for state organizational and administrative mechanism and regional mechanisms that would ensure state intervention in migration processes. Introduction of the mechanism of regulation of external labor migration in Ukraine aims at: improvement of the legislation of Ukraine on migration issues; development and implementation of regional migration programs; assessment of the balance of labor in the country and regions, job creation after the implementation of economic and investment projects; improving the relationship between state executive bodies on migration issues.


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How to Cite
Yakymova, N., & Shadrina, S. (2021). DIRECTIONS OF REGULATION OF EXTERNAL LABOR MIGRATION IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (30).