Keywords: tax system, tax revenues, personal income tax, fiscal-regulatory potential, declaration of personal income


The article examines the institutional determinants of the fiscal and regulatory potential of personal income tax. The role of personal income taxation processes in the socio-economic development of the state and regions is highlighted. The fiscal potential of the personal income tax is characterized by regular revenues to the budget, flexibility and does not cause price distortions. This tax corresponds to the certainty of taxation, if all taxpayers knowing their income can calculate the amount of tax. In most cases, the procedure of declaring the income of citizens is accompanied by active support of a consultative nature by the tax authorities (volunteers) in Ukraine and tax administrations (tax consultants) in the countries of the European Union. The share of personal income tax in the tax revenues of the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine was monitored and analyzed. The fiscal potential of income tax in the reporting period is studied. As a result, it was found that about 80% are income from income in the form of wages, less significant are income from payments received by servicemen and from income other than wages. Factors influencing the fiscal and regulatory dominants of personal income taxation have been identified. Specific features of local economic development on the basis of concepts of administration of the personal income tax are characterized. The perspective purposes of the use of social tax benefits in the practice of income taxation of the poor are highlighted. The newest aspects of transformation of fiscal-regulatory potential of personal income tax in Ukraine are substantiated. Among them, the priority is the following: optimization of personal income tax rates, implementation of the experience of European countries in the use of reasonable (higher) non-taxable minimum incomes, simplification of tax reporting on personal income tax, ensuring the proper functioning of electronic declaration of personal income, activation of functional information services for declaring incomes of citizens, increasing the level of voluntariness and integrity of the personal income tax.


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How to Cite
Tkachyk, F., Valihura, V., & Dmytriv, V. (2021). FISCAL AND REGULATORY POTENTIAL OF PERSONAL INCOME TAX. Economy and Society, (29).