The article substantiates that in the conditions of growing competition between tourist destinations, one of the tools of competitive struggle and increasing the recognition of territories is branding. An important element of the region's socio-economic growth is the development of the tourism potential of small towns, which often possess unique historical and cultural, natural and climatic, gastronomic or other resources that may be of interest to tourists. Analysis of the tourist potential of the settlement of Mlyniv showed that the territory has a number of resources for the development of tourism. However, their insufficient use reduces the competitiveness of the territory in the tourist market. An analysis of the current state of destination branding was conducted, which revealed a low level of recognition of the settlement among tourists due to the lack of systematic work on positioning. The main problems include underdevelopment of infrastructure, population outflow from rural areas, limited funding, insufficient promotion and the absence of a unified development strategy. Ways to solve the identified problems are proposed, including: restoration of the Chodkiewicz Palace; development of infrastructure, in particular, improving roads, building small hotels and catering establishments; marketing and promotion of the territory, through brand creation, website development, social media management and information campaigns; holding PR events and cultural activities; protection of the territory and development of ecotourism. A concept of branding of the settlement of Mlyniv as a center of ecotourism and cultural recreation is developed, the idea of which is based on the Chodkiewicz Palace - a pearl of history on the banks of the Ikva. A roadmap for promoting the brand of the town of Mlyniv has been developed for the short, medium and long term. The expected results of its implementation will be: increased recognition of the territory; attracting investment to the community; increasing tourist flow; improving the quality of life of local residents.
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