The article is devoted to the topical issues of defining the role of leadership in the formation and implementation of modern strategic initiatives in the enterprise. The concept of leadership is characterized by complexity, diversity and variability, therefore it does not have a unified approach to its disclosure. The authors analyze the existing definitions of leadership and a leader, provide characteristics of different types and models of leadership. Leadership is a special phenomenon that is difficult to explain. Leadership, along with management, is inherent in the process of enterprise management. There are significant differences between management and leadership. Each type of leadership has its strengths and weaknesses and can be effective in different situations depending on the needs of the enterprise and the team. Today, classical leadership models are fading into the past. Modern leaders are increasingly using combinations of different types of leadership. In addition, in the context of digitalization and globalization, leaders are actively using digital and green leadership models. Particular attention is paid to identifying the influence of different types of leadership on the formation and implementation of strategy, achieving sustainable development of the enterprise, its efficiency and stability in the conditions of the modern business environment. The digital leadership model assumes that leaders have more developed skills and experience in the field of digital technologies, which allow them to manage effectively in the context of digital transformation. In modern conditions, it is also appropriate to highlight green leadership - the orientation of leaders towards environmental protection, rational use of enterprise resources, increasing the effectiveness of leaders' activities in ensuring environmental sustainability, the development of green technologies, responsible production and social responsibility at their enterprises. Leadership plays a key role in the formation and implementation of the organization's strategy, as it determines the direction of development, sets the goals and vision of the enterprise, determines priorities and provides the necessary level of motivation to achieve goals. The leader forms a strategic vision that helps determine the future state of the organization, creating a clear idea of where it is heading and how success will be achieved.
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