The article is devoted to topical issues related to the activities of tourism infrastructure enterprises during martial law in Ukraine. Trends in the prospects for the development of the tourism and hotel and restaurant sectors have been systematized, the reorientation of the accents of demand for recreation within the country has been studied, the needs for expanding the national room stock and trends in catering establishments based on customer preferences have been determined. Current trends in hotel and restaurant establishments are considered, promising types of establishments providing accommodation services, the dynamics of tax revenues in the tourism industry during 2021-2023 and revenues from types of tourism activities, the number of taxpayers of legal entities and individuals during 2021-2024, the average number of open catering establishments in 2024. Significant demand for short-term trips with greater frequency and with less depth of booking, consumer needs for accommodation in premises equipped with self-cooking capabilities and other amenities are considered. The purpose of the article is an economic analysis of the features of the activities of tourism infrastructure enterprises during martial law. Despite the trends of relatively low interest in visiting Ukraine from foreign guests, the shift of tourism preferences towards domestic tourism, the orientation of the key income of hotels to income from accommodation, the tourism market of Ukraine is gradually recovering and stabilizing. In the context of multi-vector development directions and the complex nature of the tourism and hospitality industry, the issue of analyzing and forecasting the activities of tourism infrastructure enterprises during martial law is gaining particular relevance. Therefore, despite external challenges and the unstable political, economic, and security situation within the country, the tourism sector demonstrates stability and gradual growth, which in the future will create the basis for stable financial revenues for communities, regions, and the country as a whole.
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