The article investigates the essence of innovation strategy, clarifies its place in the strategic set of a modern enterprise, and substantiates role in the system of its management. It is determined that in the current realities, the innovation strategy is an effective tool for ensuring the successful development of an enterprise in the long term. An in-depth analysis of the concept of “innovation strategy of an enterprise” has allowed us to formulate approaches to its interpretation, in particular, adaptive, instrumental and systemic. The author’s own vision of the concept of “innovation strategy of a modern enterprise” as a set of measures to ensure the effective implementation of innovation processes in the context of ensuring the strategic development of an enterprise through the optimal use of the existing innovation potential and taking into account the permanent impact of environmental factors is proposed. The article considers the main characteristics of an enterprise’s innovation strategy, the main of which are: focus on novelty, flexibility and adaptability, emphasis on consumer demands, strategic orientation, formation of an innovative corporate culture, use of digital technologies, and systemic nature. The article argues that it is expedient to classify the innovation strategy of an enterprise as a functional strategy. The innovation strategy, being a component of the overall strategy, does not provide for the determination of its own strategic priorities but is formed in the context of ensuring the achievement of the goals set by the latter. Its main purpose is to develop a model of search, adaptation and implementation of innovations that act as drivers of increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise and ensuring its strategic development. It was determined that in modern realities, the development and implementation of an innovative strategy should involve the use of various digital technologies. It is proved that the innovation strategy plays a significant role in the enterprise management system, as it gives the process of creation, implementation, production and commercialization of innovations a targeted nature, which forms the prerequisites for its strategic development.
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