Keywords: city branding, sustainable development, territorial marketing, urban identity, investment attraction


The article highlights the importance of city branding as a strategic development tool in the context of globalization, which intensifies competition among countries, regions, and cities for resources, investments, tourists, and skilled professionals. The article emphasizes that cities use marketing strategies aimed at creating a positive image to attract stakeholders successfully. However, creating a unique brand is a challenging task due to high competition and the prevalence of informational noise. City branding is defined as a strategic combination of tangible and intangible elements that create a positive interaction experience. Effective brand management involves the use of logos, slogans, advertising campaigns, and innovative marketing approaches. The article highlights that a city brand is not just a marketing tool but also an essential mechanism for long-term planning and implementing a city’s development vision. The goals of city branding are explored, encompassing economic, social, cultural, international, environmental, and innovative aspects. Particular attention is given to analyzing the target audiences of city branding, including residents, tourists, investors, business representatives, the educational community, media, cultural figures, and international partners. Specific goals for each audience are identified to foster long-term positive connections with the city. The article examines the Global Power City Index (GPCI) as a tool for assessing the attractiveness of global cities. Based on 2023 data, the strengths of leading cities such as London, New York, Tokyo, and Paris are analyzed. It is noted that these cities demonstrate high performance due to integrated approaches to developing their economies, cultures, infrastructures, and quality of life. A SWOT analysis of Lviv is presented, identifying its strengths (unique cultural heritage, a robust educational base, and a developed IT sector), weaknesses (uneven development of districts, environmental issues), opportunities (attracting investments, tourism development, and innovation implementation), and threats (economic instability, youth outmigration). Based on the analysis, a development strategy for Lviv’s brand has been proposed. It covers key areas such as tourism, innovation, culture, education, infrastructure, and marketing.


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How to Cite
Kohut, M., & Havrylyuk, I. (2024). CITY BRANDING AS THE BASIS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES. Economy and Society, (70).