Corporate culture is the key foundation of all organizations, as it is shaped by the values, worldviews, traditions, and mentalities of individuals united to achieve common goals. It may be consciously formed or hidden and unconscious, but it always exists. Its development is particularly crucial in a cross-cultural environment, as it helps unite people of different races, nationalities, and ethnic groups and creates shared values, eliminates biases, and dispels stereotypes. This paper briefly describes the essence of corporate culture, its role within a company, and outlines the advantages and challenges of its formation, especially in a cross-cultural environment. The results of a study on the state of the existing corporate culture are presented through the example of a Georgian cuisine restaurant. The values of the organization are analyzed, and the study discusses the staff's perception of its effectiveness based on a survey. Key issues in the development of corporate culture in the cross-cultural environment of the restaurant are identified. It was found that the components of corporate culture are predominantly formal, and their impact on employee performance is minimal. The development of corporate culture is hindered by low communication efficiency among team members and with target groups. Based on the analysis of literature sources, the authors provide recommendations to address these issues. In particular, the stages of developing a corporate code to foster corporate culture in a cross-cultural environment are presented. The recommended structural elements of the corporate code and a brief description of key sections of the position description to support and develop cross-cultural communications in a cross-cultural environment are outlined. The development of corporate culture in a cross-cultural environment is a necessary condition for the effective functioning of domestic organizations, especially when team members and other target groups represent different nationalities or ethnicities. This requires a conscious approach to forming its key elements, documenting them in a corporate code, which will act as the primary internal guideline for behavioral norms, and reinforcing them through competencies described in the position description.
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