Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI), HR, recruitment, human resource management, workforce, HR analytics, technologies, strategy, productivity, cost optimization


The main global trends in artificial intelligence (AI) in human resource management have been identified, and a strategy for their implementation in Ukrainian companies has been proposed. Key directions for applying AI technologies in HR management have been characterized. It has been analyzed that AI technologies aim to unify the work of HR managers and provide them with more time to develop strategic tasks. A forecast analysis of the dynamics of growth of AI technologies in the global HR market for 2023-2030 is made. Examples of the application of AI technologies in human resources management by global giants are given. The dynamics of personnel costs of Ukrainian enterprises for 2010-2023 is presented. A mechanism for implementing an innovative HR management strategy for Ukrainian companies is developed. The use of AI technologies in HR management has been outlined, and the main areas where these technologies are applied have been analyzed. A review of the top employers according to Forbes as of 2024 has been conducted. Analytical research on the use of AI technologies in HR management has been carried out based on the example of global companies. It has been determined that the use of AI technologies by modern companies in managing employees positively impacts not only sales levels by fostering customer loyalty but also strengthens the company's employer brand, thereby helping to attract and retain talented professionals. The dynamics of Ukrainian enterprises' expenses on personnel have been presented. Based on the analysis of Ukrainian companies' personnel expenses, a comprehensive strategy for implementing AI technologies has been proposed. This strategy aims to reduce hiring costs and automate routine processes. The implementation of the proposed strategy is recommended to begin with preparing employees for AI adoption and explaining its benefits. It has been noted that the implementation of AI technologies will benefit Ukrainian companies that spend billions of hryvnias on personnel and, as of 2024, face a significant workforce shortage. AI adoption is highlighted as one of the best ways to reduce costs and retain employees. The key principles of AI implementation in the processes of enterprise personnel management are indicated.


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How to Cite
Dashko, I., Kaliuzhna, I., & Mykhailichenko, L. (2024). KEY PRINCIPLES OF IMPLEMENTING AI IN ENTERPRISE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESSES. Economy and Society, (69).

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