Keywords: Green Deal, Ukrainian enterprises, environmental standards, sustainable development, integration with the EU, greening of production, energy saving, innovations in production


This scientific article is devoted to the study of the implementation of Green Deal standards at Ukrainian enterprises in the energy sector. The relevance of this study lies in the need to integrate EU environmental standards into the activities of Ukrainian business, promote sustainable development, reduce the carbon footprint and increase the competitiveness of products in international markets. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state of adaptation of Ukrainian enterprises to Green Deal standards and develop practical recommendations for their implementation. The study used methods such as analysis of the regulatory framework, review of international experience and survey of heads of enterprises that have already implemented environmental standards in their activities. It is shown how the environmental standards established by the Green Deal have a significant impact on the economy and industry in the short and long term using the example of leading energy enterprises in Ukraine. It is proven that such standards can contribute to the creation of new jobs in green technologies, renewable energy and the environmental services sector. The results of the study revealed the main barriers faced by Ukrainian enterprises, including financial problems, insufficient technical infrastructure and lack of clear state regulation. The proposed solutions include the creation of public and private support funds, educational programs for entrepreneurs and cooperation with international organizations. It is shown that Ukraine considers the implementation of the European Green Deal measures as a strategic opportunity for development and successful integration into the EU, a powerful transformational impulse in the social and technological spheres. The article also reviews successful examples of the implementation of Green Deal standards in leading Ukrainian enterprises and analyzes their positive impact. The findings can benefit business owners, policymakers and researchers working on the environmental aspects of entrepreneurship. Future studies can assess the long-term consequences of the implementation of Green Deal standards and explore opportunities for harmonizing Ukrainian legislation with EU legislation in the field of sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Dzhur, O., & Balachina, Y. (2024). FEATURES OF THE APPLICATION OF GREEN DEAL STANDARDS AT UKRAINIAN ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (69). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-69-25