The article is devoted to the feasibility study of using marketing approaches and tools in the sustainable tourism promotion in order to achieve the sustainable development concept goals. The latest research and publications are analyzed, which reveal the negative impact of the tourism load growth problems on the environment, the difficulties of achieving sustainable development goals, the role of the tourism industry in this process and the concept emergence of sustainable tourism, the activation of which is taking place under the influence of current challenges and societal demands. Based on the analysis, the main directions of sustainable tourism development are identified, the sustainable tourism concept essence, its principles and components are investigated. The author has formed the main advantages of implementing sustainable tourism by players in the tourism industry. The recent research results on the subject of compliance with sustainable tourism and effective practices in achieving the sustainable tourism goals by all participants in the tourism industry are analyzed. Statistical data are presented, which confirm the need and implementing and popularizing feasibility the principles of sustainable tourism using marketing tools. The sustainable tourism marketing concept essence is presented, which includes the experiences promotion and travel destinations in a way that prioritizes environmental conservation, cultural preservation and social responsibility. The author groups the main effective marketing tools that will allow to communicate the business commitment to sustainable development and highlight its environmental practices and initiatives to target consumers and society at large. It is proven that the use of marketing tools in the sustainable tourism promotion not only helps to reduce the negative consequences of tourism, but also demonstrates the benefits, ensuring that travel is climate neutral, allows to attract travelers who are deeply concerned about the impact of their travels, reach a targeted audience that values responsible travel and supports socially responsible business.
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