The article explores the utilization of digital tools for the comprehensive integration of strategic controlling systems in the context of increasing digitalization. The research refines the concept of a strategic controlling system, clearly identifying its primary components and the interconnections between them. Furthermore, it examines the role of controlling as a means for the strategic transformation of businesses. The authors provide an extensive review of digital technologies that are now prevalent in modern business environments and have been rapidly adopted by companies worldwide. Key digital tools, such as Big Data and artificial intelligence, are emphasized for their capability to enhance the implementation of strategic controlling systems. These technologies, along with cloud platforms, are increasingly integrated into business processes, enabling more effective decision-making, monitoring, and adaptability to market changes. The study highlights the importance of aligning strategic controlling systems with the existing information resources and organizational processes to ensure a high degree of integration in the digital era. Through this approach, companies can optimize their operations and maintain a competitive edge. Moreover, the article outlines specific digital tools that facilitate this integration, such as Cascade, Notion, Jedox, and Phocas, each offering distinct advantages and disadvantages. These tools support real-time monitoring, scenario modeling, and strategic alignment, contributing to a more agile and transparent management system. The authors argue that the successful implementation of a strategic controlling system, supported by digital tools, is critical for ensuring a company's long-term transformation and development in a digitalized environment. The research concludes that implementation of strategic controlling systems is essential for creating a foundation for future company growth. In doing so, companies can better adapt to external challenges and optimize their resource allocation, ultimately driving more effective business transformations.
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