Keywords: region, tourism policy, sustainable development, digital transformation, diversification of tourism


The article examines the impact of global crises on the tourism industry, focusing on how regional tourism policies must adapt to meet contemporary challenges. The research aims to identify and propose new priorities and approaches for regional tourism management in times of crisis. The relevance of this topic stems from the increasing vulnerability of tourism-dependent regions due to emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, economic downturns, and armed conflicts. These crises have exposed weaknesses in traditional tourism policies and highlighted the urgent need for more flexible, sustainable, and crisis-responsive strategies. The research methodology includes a comprehensive literature review and analysis of global experiences in crisis management within the tourism sector. The study utilizes qualitative analysis to assess the effects of various crises on regional tourism development and to examine existing policy gaps. The study results reveal that traditional regional tourism policies are often inadequate in addressing the dynamic nature of global crises. The findings suggest that regional tourism strategies must prioritize crisis preparedness, sustainable development, and digital transformation to mitigate the adverse effects of crises. Specifically, the research highlights the importance of crisis management protocols, rapid recovery funding, the promotion of eco-friendly tourism, and the integration of digital tools such as online booking systems and virtual tourism experiences. Furthermore, the study emphasizes diversifying tourism offerings, including promoting domestic and rural tourism to reduce dependency on international visitors. Building resilient infrastructure and enhancing community involvement in tourism decision-making are essential to successful crisis recovery. The practical value of this article lies in its actionable recommendations for policymakers and tourism stakeholders. By adopting the proposed strategies, regional tourism systems can become more adaptable, ensuring faster recovery from crises and long-term sustainability. The article’s insights into digital transformation, sustainable practices, and community engagement provide a roadmap for regions to strengthen their tourism sectors in the face of ongoing and future challenges.


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How to Cite
Hrafska, O., Kholyavka, V., & Kulyk, O. (2024). REGIONAL TOURISM POLICY IN CRISIS CONDITIONS: PRIORITIES AND NEW APPROACHES. Economy and Society, (67).