Keywords: commodity science, quality, pigs, meat, chelates, iron, caloric content, muscle eye area


The article is devoted to topical issues of today, where in a competitive market, product quality is the most important factor and the undisputed basis for the success of the manufacturer. One of the priority areas for increasing pork production in the current economic and economic conditions is the development, testing and use of new types of biologically active drugs (in particular, iron compounds) in animal feeding, which allow to increase the digestibility of nutrients in diets by fermenting hard-to-digest components of the diet. Until recently, compensation for iron deficiency in pigs' diets was carried out at the expense of inorganic compounds of different composition, which are often quite difficult to digest by the animal body. The comparative effect of different iron compounds on the commercial qualities of pig meat (caloric content and muscle eye area) is presented. The best data were obtained when the diet was supplemented with chelated iron compounds. Chelated compounds, which are added to the diet of animals to meet the need for trace elements, have a significant advantage over inorganic metal salts. They are practically non-toxic, sufficiently soluble in water, highly stable in a wide pH range, absorbed by soil and destroyed by microorganisms, retained in solution for a long time, and correlate well with other substances. In particular, the addition of iron to the diet in the form of methionates and lysinates increases the caloric content of meat relative to the control group (I, II, III) by 4.5, 8.8, and 9.9%, respectively. An increase in the area of the muscle cell compared to the control was also found in all experimental groups.


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How to Cite
Paska, M., & Khromova, M. (2024). TRADE CHARACTERISTICS OF PIG MEAT CORRECTED BY IRON COMPOUNDS. Economy and Society, (66).