The article is devoted to topical issues of research on the role and significance of human development and the development of human potential in the system of national wealth. The goal is to investigate the relationship between human development and the development of human potential and its role and significance in the system of national wealth. In the course of the research, general scientific methods and approaches, a systematic approach, general logical research methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison), dialectical method, method of cognition were used. It was analyzed that the attention of the main managers of enterprises to the development of human potential is inextricably linked with human development. A number of measures are proposed for the effective and rational development of the human potential of enterprises, in particular tourist enterprises, because it is the competitive staff of these enterprises, as one of the components of quality management systems in modern market conditions, that can create new opportunities for tourism enterprises. It was determined that it is important and necessary to measure and evaluate the human capital possessed by the enterprise. The aggregate integral value of the potential of human capital in a certain life cycle of the enterprise is also a significant internal economic resource, which will allow to achieve a higher level of its economic development, self-development, a higher level of efficiency and entrepreneurial activity of this enterprise. It is well-founded that human development, the development of human potential in the system of national wealth is interrelated and interdependent. The increased level of attention of the main managers of enterprises to the development of human potential, which is inextricably linked with human development, the accumulation of human capital, is a significant internal economic resource of enterprises. This will allow enterprises to achieve a higher level of economic development, self-development and entrepreneurial activity, which will lead to a higher level of accumulation of the country's national wealth.
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