Keywords: marketing, marketing communications, communication policy, marketing strategy, marketing complex


The article is devoted to the research of the complex of marketing communications in the conditions of martial law. The article discusses theoretical approaches to defining the concept of "marketing communications". Since Ukraine is in an active phase of the war, it is necessary to particularly carefully study the impact of this factor on the activities of enterprises, including on their marketing communications. All tools of marketing communications were directly affected by the war. In order to find out the degree of influence of the war on the processes of marketing communications, the main elements of marketing communications were defined and analyzed. Attention is focused on the emergence of new principles of functioning of marketing communications in the conditions of martial law. The main goal of marketing communications in the conditions of war is the formation of stable conditions for the functioning of the entire enterprise. The use of the above principles is aimed at achieving this goal. Their correct use in practice allows you to increase the level of organization of the functioning of marketing communications in non-standard conditions, namely during war. The article also provides an analysis of the main changes in the marketing strategy organization in wartime conditions. In the conditions of war, people become quite vulnerable and may not perceive certain information. Since the unstable situation, shelling and hostilities have changed their relationship with all business representatives operating in the Ukrainian market. As a result, a change in consumer behavior is observed. During the formation of the marketing policy, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the person and his emotional state. Because values have changed in the modern world. A conclusion was made, which indicates that marketing communications is a key element of marketing that affects the level of business development and its level of profit. Like any other sphere of the socio-economic space of Ukraine, marketing was also significantly affected by the full-scale war that began as a result of the military aggression of the Russian Federation.


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How to Cite
Salo, Y., & Kochevoi , M. (2024). MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS OF THE WAR PERIOD: CHANGES AND FEATURES. Economy and Society, (65).