Keywords: leader, leadership, transformational leadership, leadership qualities, management, organization


The article is devoted to topical issues of leadership and its role in the management system of organizations. In the context of current trends in the development of society, leadership as an effective factor in-group management is of particular importance in ensuring the effectiveness of the organization’s management system. At the same time, the significant transformation of socio-political processes and the socio-economic environment causes the phenomenon of leadership to acquire a new context, increasing its impact on the efficiency of the organization. It makes appropriate to carry out further research in this sphere. The article generalized the scientific approaches to the interpretation of the essence of leadership, and defined its substantive characteristics. The main basic components of the leadership phenomenon are characterized. It is proved that leadership plays an important role in ensuring the effectiveness of the organization's management system, and the absence of an effective leader can negatively affect the implementation of management functions. The peculiarities of business, emotional and situational leadership are considered. The author emphasizes that in the BANI world; a leader must quickly adapt to new realities, initiate appropriate changes within organizations, and create conditions for the development of employees’ staff. Under these circumstances, the use of a transformational leadership style is most justified. It is focused on the development of new forms of interaction between the leader and members of his team, creating favorable conditions for their personal growth. The qualities that a modern transformational leader should possess are identified. It is established that modern management requires managers not only to have professional competencies, but also leadership qualities that will allow them to realize the existing potential in management activities. The advantages that enriching the content of formal leadership with the benefits of informal leadership guarantees to the organization are determined. The article concludes that the efficiency of any organization directly depends on the leadership potential of its management.


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How to Cite
Buniak, N. (2024). LEADERSHIP IN THE ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (64). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-64-92