In today's conditions, it is important for every bank to assess its competitiveness. After all, a competitive bank can use its own resources more efficiently, obtaining the planned amount of profit, retain and expand its customer base. The purpose of this article is to determine the competitiveness of Ukrainian commercial banks for retail customers and the role of digital technologies in its formation. The study was primarily conducted for state-owned banks in Ukraine. The consumer utility function was used to assess the competitiveness of banks. The study analyzed the offers of such commercial banks as JSC Ukreximbank, JSC Oschadbank, JSC JSB Ukrgasbank, JSC CB PrivatBank, JSC Universal Bank, JSC FUIB, and JSC Kredobank. The study has shown that among the banking institutions under consideration, the most competitive offers for the retail customer segment are those of JSC CB PrivatBank and JSC Oschadbank, since their generalized value of the consumer utility function exceeds 0.65, and the least competitive offers are those of JSC Kredobank and JSC JSB Ukrgasbank with generalized values of the consumer utility function less than 0,37. The results of the calculation of the consumer utility function for banks' offers to the retail customer segment are of practical value and show the main factors that banking institutions need to pay attention to in order to increase their competitiveness. The study has shown that among the analyzed banks, the leaders in terms of the number of basic Internet banking functions are JSC CB PrivatBank, JSC Universal Bank and JSC FUIB. In modern conditions, digital banking can be considered as an important tool for expanding the customer base of a commercial bank, increasing its revenues and strengthening its market competitive position. The results of the analysis show that the best positions in terms of implementation innovations in the field of Internet banking and mobile banking in the market and expanding their functions are occupied by such state-owned banks as JSC CB PrivatBank and JSC Oschadbank, but they lag behind JSC Universal Bank in these parameters. Such state-owned banks as JSC Ukreximbank and JSC JSB Ukrgasbank need to pay more attention to the implementation of modern digital marketing technologies in their activities.
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