The tourism industry is one of the most promising and economically balanced branches of the economy. Its dynamic development is the basis of the steady evolution of the national economy of states and the popularization of globalization processes on the international financial market. A feature of this industry is the use of all resources available to the state, including unprofitable or unprofitable objects. And the development of the tourist market often coincides with periods of economic decline in the basic performance indicators of national economies, times of disasters and cataclysms, wars and revolutions. Moreover, these processes often become catalysts for the birth or increase of the market potential of international tourist services. Therefore, studying the principles, features and regularities of the functioning of international tourism during the socio-economic and military-demographic crisis is extremely important. It is determined in the work that international tourist services are a fundamental type of activity on the world tourist market in compliance with international legislation to obtain maximum socio-economic and cultural-demographic benefits. And these services are divided into those provided in the field of business, entertainment, adventure, scientific, cognitive, recreational, elite, health, green, nostalgic tourism. The tourism industry, as one of the most profitable branches of the world economy, draws all its negative and positive trends, since the formation of the tourist services market and its sustainable development directly depend on the standard of living of the population and the financial income of citizens. Other state-building factors are also important, for example, a sharp demographic boom or industrial breakthrough of the state stimulates an increase in tourist flows and increases the number of domestic trips, while wars and natural disasters reduce interest in the affected territories. Therefore, the study of factors influencing the development of international tourism is an extremely important task today.
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