The article analyzes the role of the business communication strategy in the construction services market in Ukraine through the prism of aspects of the impact of a full-scale military invasion, assesses the fundamental problematic features of the formation of the business communication strategy in the construction services market in the context of transformative economic transformations. Communicative strategies of interaction in business communication are one of the most acute and relevant problems of modern economic changes. Based on the all-encompassing nature of transformational economic shifts, it is necessary to solve the problematic aspects of ensuring the functioning of the business communication strategy in the context of forming strategic development priorities in the building materials market. In the conditions of a full-scale military invasion and constant economic fluctuations, ensuring the formation of an effective functioning mechanism of the business communication strategy is an indicator of innovative changes at the macroeconomic level, leveling the negative impact of the factors of the surrounding economic environment. The clear explicability of the mode of obligation is the driving force of economic transformative changes at all stages of the formation of the national economic system, and especially in the construction sector, as the fundamental basis for the post-war recovery of the Ukrainian economy. Particular attention is paid to the search for modern tools for the formation of a business communication strategy, which determines the need for structural changes at all stages of management decisions. Attention is focused on ensuring the comprehensiveness and all-encompassing nature of the relevant structural shifts in the aspect of economic transformations. Taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of a business communication strategy on the building materials market in the context of the post-war recovery of the national economic system, it is necessary to take into account the complexity and all-encompassing nature of the relevant transformations. The question of researching the modern toolkit of the business communication strategy in the construction sector of the national economic system during the period of a full-scale military invasion is insufficiently covered. It requires detailing the mechanism of business communication strategy formation, its features and principles of operation, the level of overall competitiveness. Therefore, the complex of the specified problematic aspects determines the relevance of the specified problems. According to the materials of the conducted scientific research, modern types of business communication strategy in the market of building materials in the conditions of European integration through the prism of a full-scale military invasion of the territory of Ukraine are distinguished.
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