Keywords: corporate culture, functions, values, performance, management system


The importance of the corporate culture in the management system of companies is considered. The results of the research on the influence of the corporate culture on various areas of management by surveying executive and financial managers of North American organizations are presented, in particular on ethical behavior, risk selection and successful projects, as well as on creativity, profitability and growth rates of the firm. Attention is focused on the formation of companies’ values, the most popular of them are emphasized, it is noted that some organizations, regardless of the understanding of the role of the corporate culture, do not have prescribed values. It was noted that Ukrainian companies do not pay due attention to the formation of the corporate culture. On the basis of methods of generalization and comparison, we have grouped the functions of the corporate culture, which are proposed to be combined into three groups: main, complementary and special. This division is conditional. The functions that are basic for the effective functioning of the company in its current state are assigned to the main group. The complementary group includes functions that complement the main ones, are derived from them and are aimed at the success of the company in the long term. Special functions are separated into a separate group due to the fact that the corporate culture somehow changes the values of people in wartime. On the basis of the research, the relationship between functions and formed values was reflected. In particular, it was emphasized that understanding the functions of the corporate culture will allow the formulation of specific values, following which the development of the company can be achieved in various directions, and the efficiency of work can be maintained, in particular, during the war. Conversely, already formed values, if they are effective, can activate the action of specific functions. For example, the unifying function is formed on the basis of such values as cooperation and community, the effective one implements such values as result-oriented and client-oriented, the adaptive function is directly related to the value of adaptability, the regulatory one is focused on details, the ecological one is related to integrity and honesty As for specific functions, the altruistic one helps realize such a value as volunteering, and the supportive one - an individual approach to the employee, safety and flexible work schedule. Therefore, the formation of values should be carried out in parallel, taking into account the functions that they will perform. Compliance with them will contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the corporate culture.


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How to Cite
Hlyva , S., & Peredalo, K. (2024). CORPORATE CULTURE: SIGNIFICANCE, FUNCTIONS AND VALUES. Economy and Society, (61).