The article is devoted to the study of issues of development and problems of retail trade in Ukraine during the war with an emphasis on the liquidity and solvency of enterprises in this sphere. First, the article observes the main general trends in the retail trade functioning. Thus, data on the turnover of the retail trade from 2014 to 2023 and data on the turnover of specifically legal entities in the retail trade from 2021 to 2023 are systematized and analyzed. Statistical data indicate a reduction in the volume of trade in the first year of the war with russia and the recovery and even significant growth already in 2023. Further, attention is also drawn to the index of business confidence in the field of retail trade from 2015 to 2023, the trends of which confirm previous conclusions about the activation of both the field of retail trade itself and positive expectations regarding its further functioning. In addition, the possibility of retail trade enterprises to attract credit resources is investigated, based on data on the volume of lending to the corporate sector by Ukrainian banks from 2017 to 2023. The banking sector of Ukraine did not stop providing access to credit funds during the war years to Ukrainian enterprises, although, of course, the emphasis was placed on strategically important in such fields as, for example, agriculture. Finally, the last stage in the work is a thorough analysis of liquidity and solvency problems on the example of a specific representative of the retail trade sector – “Lvivpodshipnyk” LLC. The study of “Lvivpodshipnyk” LLC shows a number of problems with the company's liquidity and solvency. In particular, it is worth noting the imbalance in the amounts of receivables and payables, the reduction of sales on credit, the dominance of finished products in current assets, the increase in payables and the refusal to use credit funds. As a conclusion, it can be said that the field of retail trade shows stable efficiency and steady profitability despite the long war. And the problems of liquidity and solvency of this sector are more individual than systemic. Therefore, further observations in this direction are very necessary.
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