Keywords: competition, competitiveness, enterprise competitiveness, definition, approaches to interpretation


The relevance of studying the theoretical foundations of defining the concept of «enterprise competitiveness» is determined by the importance of the analyzed phenomenon for the functioning of an enterprise in market conditions and the necessity of forming a unified interpretation to avoid terminological confusion, substitution of concepts, and ensure the logic of research and the reliability of their results. The purpose of this article is to study approaches to interpreting the concept of «enterprise competitiveness», formulating its author's definition, and forming a theoretical basis for researching enterprise competitiveness. In the process of research, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, abstraction and specification were used to study the essence of the concept of «enterprise competitiveness» and its key characteristics, as well as tabular methods for visually reflecting the research results. Existing approaches to defining the essence of the concept of «enterprise competitiveness» were studied. Considering their significant diversity and inconsistency, it is proposed to distinguish comparative, resource-based, market or marketing, product, attributive, dynamic, functional, and systemic approaches. Based on the results of the study of approaches to interpreting the essence of the concept of «enterprise competitiveness», their content, and certain remarks, the key characteristics of the analyzed phenomenon were formulated to avoid misunderstandings and inaccuracies in studying enterprise competitiveness and developing measures to strengthen it. Thus, it is proposed to consider enterprise competitiveness as a comprehensive systemic concept that embodies the competitive advantages of a specific enterprise over others in terms of all defining parameters that contribute to consolidating the positions of the enterprise more advantageously than competitors in a certain market over a specific period of time under the influence of the operating environment. A promising direction for further scientific research should be the study of the peculiarities of enterprise competitiveness in various sectors of the economy, competitive advantages, and key factors shaping them.


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How to Cite
Bochko , O., & Kozhushko, P. (2024). THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO DEFINING «ENTERPRISE COMPETITIVENESS». Economy and Society, (61).