The purpose of writing the article is to improve the system of selection and selection of management staff at the pharmaceutical company. No company can function successfully without management staff. In human resource management, "recruitment" is the process of timely and cost-effective search and recruitment of the best and most qualified candidate for the vacancy. It can also be called "the process of finding future employees, encouraging and encouraging them to apply for a job in the organization." This is a whole process with a full life cycle, which begins with identifying the company's needs for work and ends with the introduction of the employee into the organization. There are two main options for the selection of personnel, which are carried out in connection with the needs of the enterprise, to nominate employees for management positions from the applicants of the organization itself, and outside it: external and internal selection. Personnel selection should be distinguished from personnel selection. In the process of selection there is a search for people for certain positions, taking into account the established requirements of the social institution, activities. During the selection – the search is carried out, identifying the requirements of various positions, activities according to the capabilities of the person, his accumulated professional experience, experience and abilities. Selection is to create the necessary stock of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the organization will later select the most suitable employees. Nowadays, many companies make mistakes in the selection and subsequent selection of management staff. With a pre-designed system of proper selection of management staff, the human resources department and management can save a lot of time and money. Using a variety of recruitment methods that fit the size, style and mission of the business, it is easy to find a qualified and psychologically developed leader who will change the life of the company for the better. The article highlights the need for a system of selection of management staff. The basic modern methods of selection and stages of further selection of managerial staff are substantiated.
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