Keywords: cross-cultural features, national leadership style, Mongolian national leadership style, leader


The article is devoted to the study of the cultural characteristics of the Mongolian leadership style, which differs significantly from other leadership styles that are traditionally classified as Asian. In the context of globalization, leadership has become the result of a complex and multifaceted influence of various factors, including cross-cultural ones. For Mongolia, this topic is especially relevant, since the growing attention to Mongolia, as a potential market from other countries requires Mongolian companies to look for new ways to effectively manage and improve the leadership skills of managers. In Mongolia, authoritarian models and methods of leadership (the influence of Eastern cultures) still prevail, although there is a rapid transition to more democratic methods (the influence of Western cultures). In addition, there are simultaneously values of traditional, industrial and post-industrial society. Paternalism is an integral quality of Mongol, since for many centuries the nomads lived according to this principle of subordination. On the basis of Mongolian paternalistic traditions, Mongolian style of leadership was established, main features of which were the imposition of ideas and the corresponding decision-making of other people, not showing initiative and avoiding responsibility. The main features of the modern Mongolian leader are extreme individualism, since a system of personality values in which dominates; active target behavior, as a result of the dominance of traditional male values such as success, money, material values, ambition, career, competition; high degree of uncertainty avoidance, such as the desire to eliminate any ambiguity in the relationship and a low willingness to take risks; the need for constant supervision, which is inherent only in the Mongolian leadership style and distinguishes it from the Western one and is the result of paternalism; constant conformism, which consists in distrust of senior managers to their subordinates and not using the right to delegate some functions and powers to middle-level managers.


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How to Cite
Blyznyuk, T. (2021). CROSS-CULTURAL FEATURES OF MONGOLIAN LEADERSHIP STYLE. Economy and Society, (26).