The article is dedicated to the development of domestic tourism in Ukraine during the state of war. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that during periods of pandemics, wars, and natural disasters, the tourism market undergoes changes: the time frames for travel planning by tourists narrow, recreation with a small number of people becomes more popular, and there is an increased demand for sanatorium tours and short weekend getaways for two people lasting to three days. The rehabilitation of military personnel and their families, as well as psychological recovery, requires the search for additional tourist services that would have a positive impact on the emotional state of travellers. The article highlights a new trend in recreation – floral tourism. The aim of the article is to determine the essence of floral tourism and analyze its existing resources and locations. We conducted an analysis of the development of floral tourism in European and global countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, the USA, Turkey, India, and Colombia. The most popular floral festivals, exhibitions, and parades were identified. The experience of these countries in organizing and conducting such events was investigated. As an example, the article highlights Zakarpattia as a territory with a wide geography of flower blooming locations, thus offering prospects for organizing captivating floral tours. The most popular places – flower blooming locations are characterized, namely: 1) white flowers and saffrons (Berezinka, Lisarnia, Kolochava); 2) magnolia and sakura (Uzhhorod, Mukachevo); 3) daffodils and sod (Khust, Kireshi, Vynogradovo); 4) lavender, rhododendron and linden trees (Chornohora, Gorgany, Svidovets, Blyznytsia); 5) orchids (Borzhava polonins), etc. The realities of today confirm the fact that the popularity of sanatorium and health tours with excursions to floral locations is growing during the spring-summer-autumn seasons. According to the Tourism and Resorts Management of Zakarpattia Regional State Administration, the demand for such tours has recovered by half compared to the previous year. The importance of combining floral tours with other interesting tourist attractions, such as architectural monuments, castles, museums, etc., is emphasized.
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