The article studies modern models of social entrepreneurship in order to identify their key characteristics, effectiveness and potential impact on social development. The current economic landscape shows that the definition of business strategies and principles of economic growth cannot be excluded from the context of social responsibility and impact on the public good. In this context, social entrepreneurship, which combines the principles of economic efficiency with solving social problems, becomes a key factor in development. First defined by scientists in the middle of the 20th century, social entrepreneurship became not only an object of active practical application, but also an object of intensive study and research. The constant development of society creates new challenges, and the answer to them becomes the subject of deep analysis. In particular, the understanding of different models of social entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly important for the formation of successful business strategies and methods. The results of the analysis of various approaches show that social enterprises can effectively combine entrepreneurial innovation with the realization of a social mission. It has been proven that one of the key points in choosing a social model is the importance of understanding the difference between social entrepreneurship models and their impact on society. The study confirms the need for further support for social enterprises through the development of favorable legislation and financial infrastructure. It is important to take into account regional and cultural features for the effective development of social entrepreneurship in different countries. The study also indicates that the further development of social entrepreneurship requires the support of the state, as well as partnerships between the government, the public sector and business. This approach will contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for innovation and support of social initiatives. The study of modern models will allow to identify optimal ways of implementing social entrepreneurship to achieve a balanced approach to business and public good.
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