The ability to manage the hotel industry creates the conditions for expanding the possibilities of organization and development in solving many problems. The determining factors for achieving the success of modern business are the growth of the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market, the professional development of personnel, their ability to learn and solve emerging problems. At present, it is necessary to define the problems and prospects of the hotel industry as tourism occupies an important place in the structure of the state. It is necessary to develop the hotel business - it plays a big role in the state budget. The article is intended for the topical issue of problems and prospects for the development of the hotel industry in Ukraine. The problems that are now in institutions are being studied, options for solving each of them are given, and prospects for the development of the hotel in the future are identified. The study of the existing problems of the hotel industry is a key subject of scientific research and daily practice. Тhis is a huge potential opportunity to improve the efficiency of the national economy and the social results of the functioning of labor and technical and technical means of production. The author explores the hotel business during a pandemic and martial law and offers solutions to these problems. For Ukraine, the solution to this problem will lead to an increase in productivity in the institution, the emergence of new enterprises on the market and ideas for their development. The article also describes the options that are on the market and develop the hotel business in the distance. For Ukraine, this is an important period, but also effective growth in order to bring the business into the spring. Thus, the Gothic industry is analyzed for the initial periods, when it becomes possible to develop a plan for growth, efficiency and competitiveness to lay on the market, learn the dynamic development of the hotel business, maintain the productivity of robots, and independently and correctly set up robotics control. It is worth noting that she wants a lot of problems in the region, but by stretching these fates out of the openness and developing tourism at a faster pace. The hotel will be open in the future and from the latest it is clear that more and more tourists will come to Ukraine with leather rock.
Особливості та перспективи розвитку готельного бізнесу в Україні. URL:
Перспективи розвитку готельного бізнесу та ресторанної справи. URL:
Перспективи розвитку готельного господарства на території м. Львова. URL:
Встояти під час війни: як працюють готелі України. URL:
Туристична галузь після війни: чи можлива реанімація та антикризове управління. URL:
Оцінювання стану розвитку готельного бізнесу в Україні. URL:
Стан та перспективи розвитку готельного господарства в Україні 2020-2021 рр. URL:
Як COVID-19 змінить готельний бізнес в Україні. URL:
Офіційний сайт Державної служби статистики України. URL:
Сучасні проблеми розвитку готельної індустрії в Україні. URL:
Проблеми і перспективи розвитку готельного бізнесу в Україні. URL:
Готельний бізнес в Україні: можливості та ризики. URL:
Огляд ринку готелів: що відбувається з готелями в Україні. URL:
Osoblyvosti ta perspektyvy rozvytku hotelnoho biznesu v Ukraini [Features and prospects of the hotel business development in Ukraine]. URL: (accessed December 15, 2023)
Perspektyvy rozvytku hotelnoho biznesu ta restorannoi spravy [Prospects for the development of hotel business and restaurant business]. URL: (accessed December 20, 2023)
Perspektyvy rozvytku hotelnoho hospodarstva na terytorii m. Lvova [Prospects for the development of the hotel industry in the city of Lviv]. URL: (accessed December 10, 2023)
Vstoiaty pid chas viiny: yak pratsiuiut hoteli Ukrainy [Surviving the war: how Ukrainian hotels work]. URL: (accessed December 17, 2023)
Turystychna haluz pislia viiny: chy mozhlyva reanimatsiia ta antykryzove upravlinnia [Tourism industry after the war: is resuscitation and crisis management possible?]. URL: (accessed December 12, 2023)
Otsiniuvannia stanu rozvytku hotelnoho biznesu v Ukraini [Assessment of the state of development of the hotel business in Ukraine]. URL: (accessed December 22, 2023)
Stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku hotelnoho hospodarstva v Ukraini 2020-2021 rr [State and prospects of development of the hotel industry in Ukraine 2020-2021]. URL: (accessed December 14, 2023)
Iak COVID-19 zminyt hotelnyi biznes v Ukraini [How COVID-19 will change the hotel business in Ukraine]. URL: (accessed December 15, 2023)
Ofitsiinyi sait Derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky Ukrainy [Official website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine]. URL: (accessed December 10, 2023)
Suchasni problemy rozvytku hotelnoi industrii v Ukraini [Modern problems of development of the hotel industry in Ukraine]. URL: (accessed December 10, 2023)
Problemy i perspektyvy rozvytku hotelnoho biznesu v Ukraini [Problems and prospects for the development of the hotel business in Ukraine]. URL: (accessed December 27, 2023)
Hotelnyi biznes v Ukraini: mozhlyvosti ta ryzyky [Hotel business in Ukraine: opportunities and risks]. URL: (accessed December 25, 2023)
Ohliad rynku hoteliv: shcho vidbuvaietsia z hoteliamy v Ukraini [Hotel market review: what is happening with hotels in Ukraine]. URL: (accessed December 25, 2023)
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